TMW - Yet more recalls, its about time something is done to halt this decline in safety and quality.

The Motoring World - Thoughts on all the current recalls around the globe.

It is becoming very clear that Toyota, and many other manufactures could not care less about the drivers of their products, TOYOTA in particular has had tens of millions vehicles recalled around the world in recent years, and I for one will not go anywhere near one of their cars, how can i justify spending my hard earned money on a car that the manufacture can not guarantee that it is not dangerous. 
The faults here in the UK are serious ones, and can if left unchecked and rectified cause serious injury or heaven forbid, the death of someone, the car manufactures have become complacent, the need for Toyota to want to be #1 in the world has affected quality and safety, but they don't seem that bothered, if they were, then these issues would not have become so.

It is not just Toyota, Honda, Ford, GM and more, all have issues that can cause harm, a quick check online, and you can clearly see how bad it is, there are even dedicated websites detailing recalls, and there are so many, it beggars belief, NOW is the time that manufactures MUST take responsibility for what they make, and instead of being FIRST or #1, how about being safest and reliable, or if they don't want to, fine them, and not pennies, fine them multi millions, each and every time they screw up, they will soon get the message.

Another way to improve things, why should the governments of each country run a scale of best and worst  and publish them, I know that no one will want to be on the worst list, and that WILL affect sales, hurt them in their pockets, that's the only way they will learn, as at present they just throw money at each lawsuit and try and get them thrown out of court, rather than learning, fixing and moving forward.

Toyota, GM and the rest all need to be taught a lesson, if you sell us faulty goods, we wont buy from you again, we need to make sure that in the boardrooms around the world, that, we, the customer, will not take it anymore, we would rather you take an extra 12 months or whatever, getting it right, than shoving out cars that are dangerous and could kill, because it has, many people are killed each and every year due to negligent design, build or engineering, this needs to stop, we need to trust the companies that we fund, these cars are there to help us in our daily lives, not to destroy them.
Please, start getting it right NOW, it is easy, if others can do it, why cant the rest, well, greed, thats the main reason, the shareholders and institutions that rely on the income, keeping them happy, well sod them, my family are more important than a few faceless fat greedy pigs, and they all need to be shown the right way of doing things, becuase it isnt happening now.

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